Yoswin App


Yoswin is Online Investing website where you can play different games like Crash, Circle and Color prediction games and earn real Paytm Cash. You can withdraw your winnings directly in Your Bank Accounts. Click on the below Button to download the app and start playing games to earn money daily.

Download Yoswin

Yoswin App

Yoswin Application is one of the trusted and visited website which allow users to earn Money by playing simple games which are much easy to win. In present time you there are 4 games available on Yoswin. For Better Experience You can download the app from below link. Yoswin App has 4.3 Rating and Fantastic reviews.

Login Yoswin

Yoswin Register

Before playing games on Yoswin, user has to Signup Yoswin App using their Phone Number and One Time Password received on their Number. After Successful Registeration you can add money in your account and play games. One of the best thing about Yoswin Signup is user gets Rs 151 Joining Bonus instantly. So Register  with below link and Get Rs 151 now.

Yoswin Sign Up

Yoswin Login

After successful registration you need to login your Yoswin Account in order to recharge, play games, share with your friends and withdraw money in your account. You have to use same mobile number and password as you chose while Signing Up in Yoswin. You can use below link to Sign In your Yoswin Account. 


Yoswin Telegram

Being a active Yoswin user you must be joined to Yoswin Telegram Group. Along with the latest updates about the game plays, you also get daily Free Bonus, Quest Rewards, Yoswin Daily Lifafa, Yoswin games tips and tricks to win the games. You can join the Yoswin Telegram group from below link. In our group we provide the winnings earning proof, latest plans and active campaigns for the users. 

Join Telegram



Yoswin is investing website where you can invest your money in playing games which are based on guess work and little analysis. You do not need any prior knowledge to play those games. Yoswin is simple and interesting medium of earning money and it can be considered as the best alternative of passive income.

Yoswin also provides refer and earn facility to it’s users in which you refer the app with your friends and once they sign up on Yoswin, you will get the bonus and commission when they will play the games. You can earn up to 15K per month from Refer and Earn Program.


Read the Following reviews by Yoswin users. You can consider these reviews to select yoswin as a source of passive income.

1) Shardul Sharma

Ratings – 4.3

Yoswin is one of the best medium of passive income, in which I am earning 30K per month. Games present in Yoswin are very much interesting and simple to play.

2) Raunak Singh

Ratings – 3.9

Yoswin withdrawal process is quite fast and reliable. You can withdraw your money in your bank account in just 30 minutes. You bank details are safe with Yoswin App.

3) Ishita Singh

Ratings – 4.1

Refer and Earn program in Yoswin helps me to earn Rs 5k Daily and I everyday got good bonus. I shared this Application with my friends and now I am getting commission whenever he play games.

About Yoswin

Referral CodeMZ6C24
Registered Users100K
Total Games4
Referral BonusRs 151
Register Now Click Here
Similar WebsiteFastwin


What is Yoswin?


Yoswin is money investment website where users can register themselves and play different games and if they win these games then they will get money in their Yoswin Account and that Money can be withdrawn in your bank accounts easily. Games are based on guess work but you can apply your tips and tricks to win these games. With little extra efforts you can win these games easily. Yoswin was founded in 2022 and so far more than 2 Lakh people have registered themselves and playing games actively.

You can also register yourself on Yoswin website from official website Yoswinapk.com. If you register from this site, you will get Rs 151 as joining bonus which you can use to play games. So register now and start your passive income now.

Yoswin क्या है ?

Yoswin एक पैसा निवेश करने वाली वेबसाइट है जहां उपयोगकर्ता खुद को पंजीकृत कर सकते हैं और विभिन्न गेम खेल सकते हैं और यदि वे इन खेलों को जीतते हैं तो उन्हें अपने Yoswin खाते में पैसा मिल जाएगा और वह पैसा आपके बैंक खातों में आसानी से निकाला जा सकता है। खेल अनुमान कार्य पर आधारित होते हैं लेकिन आप इन खेलों को जीतने के लिए अपनी युक्तियाँ और चालें लागू कर सकते हैं। थोड़े अतिरिक्त प्रयासों से आप इन खेलों को आसानी से जीत सकते हैं। Yoswin की स्थापना 2022 में हुई थी और अब तक 2 लाख से अधिक लोगों ने अपना पंजीकरण कराया है और सक्रिय रूप से गेम खेल रहे हैं।

आप आधिकारिक वेबसाइट Yoswinapk.com से Yoswin वेबसाइट पर भी अपना पंजीकरण करा सकते हैं। यदि आप इस साइट से पंजीकरण करते हैं, तो आपको 151 रुपये ज्वाइनिंग बोनस के रूप में मिलेंगे, जिसका उपयोग आप गेम खेलने के लिए कर सकते हैं। तो अभी रजिस्टर करें और अपनी पैसिव इनकम अभी शुरू करें।

Yoswin Referral Code

Yoswin application is new in this market but better than others apps. To get more and more number of Registered users early, Yoswin is using Refer and Earn Method so that people who register themselves can bring more number of users to Yoswin and in return Yoswin APK provides reward to the user. For this purpose every Yoswin user has one referral code which they can use while sharing this app with other people. 

You can also share this Yoswin Referral Code with your friends or relatives and win money without playing games. Here is the Yoswin Referral Code.

Yoswin Refer Code MZ6C24

Yoswin Mod APK Download

Download Yoswin Mod APK 2023 Updated Version and install it in your android device. As we know Yoswin app is not available on Play Store so first you need to download it’s APK version from official website Yoswinapk.com . After downloading it, you have to install it ignoring the warning as this file is harmless to your device. Now you can login your account or you can register your self if yet not.

Yoswin Merits/Demerits

There are multiple games like Yoswin Present in the market which allow users to play games and earn money. But not all the games are similar to Yoswin. Here are some unique features of Yoswin App which makes it better than other.

Yoswin App features

1) Yoswin is fast, secure and reliable application.

2) Games available on Yoswin are interesting and easy to play.

3) Yoswin provides faster withdrawal of money

4) You can earn Money by referring to your friend.

5) You can use tips and tricks to predict the color in prediction games.

Yoswin App Demerits

1) Sometimes transactions may fail.

2) Only 4 games are available 

3) Sometimes user account gets blocked for no reason

4) Contact and Support is very poor.

5) This website do not have mobile app.

How to Register in Yoswin?

Like Other Apps, you need to signup in Yoswin to play games. Registration process is very simple in Yoswin where you just need to follow below steps. Do not forget to use above button for Registration to claim your bonus.

Step 1) Click on the Register button or Click on this Link – Register Now

Yoswin Sign Up

Step 2) Enter your mobile number and password.

Step 3) Now Enter the Recommendation Code – MZ6C24

Step 4) Now Click On Register Button.

Step 5) You will get Rs 151 as joining bonus. Now you can play games.

Yoswin में रजिस्टर कैसे करें ?

अन्य ऐप्स की तरह, आपको गेम खेलने के लिए Yoswin में साइनअप करना होगा। Yoswin में पंजीकरण प्रक्रिया बहुत सरल है जहाँ आपको बस नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन करने की आवश्यकता है। अपने बोनस का दावा करने के लिए पंजीकरण के लिए उपरोक्त बटन का उपयोग करना न भूलें।

  • रजिस्टर बटन पर क्लिक करें या इस लिंक पर क्लिक करें – रजिस्टर करें 
  • अपना मोबाइल नंबर और पासवर्ड दर्ज करें।
  • अब Referral Code  कोड – MZ6C24 दर्ज करें
  • अब रजिस्टर बटन पर क्लिक करें।
  • आपको ज्वाइनिंग बोनस के रूप में 151 रुपये मिलेंगे। अब आप गेम खेल सकते हैं

How to Add Money to Yoswin Account?

Now after registration, first thing you should do is to play games and for this you need to have money in your Yoswin Account. You can also utilize the bonus which you get when your sing up for the first time. You can follow below mentioned steps to recharge in your Yoswin Account.

Step 1) Click on the Recahrge Button from the Bottom menu of the Home Page.

Yoswin recharge

Step 2) Now Enter the Amount you want to add in Your Yoswin Account.

Yoswin App

Step 3) Now choose the Payment Method.

Step 4) Open the App and Complete the payment.

Step 5) Wait for 5 Minutes or you can upload the Screen Shot of the Payment proof

Step 6) Once Yoswin team process your recharge, amount will be credited to your account.

Yoswin में रिचार्ज कैसे करें ?

Yoswin App में गेम खेलकर पैसा कमाने के लिए आपके Yoswin अकाउंट में कुछ पैसे होने चाहिए । इसके लिए आपको अपने Yoswin Account में रिचार्ज करना पड़ेगा । अब रजिस्ट्रेशन के बाद सबसे पहले आपको गेम खेलना है और इसके लिए आपके Yoswin अकाउंट में पैसे होने चाहिए। आप उस बोनस का भी उपयोग कर सकते हैं जो आपको पहली बार गाते समय मिलता है। आप अपने योसविन खाते में रिचार्ज करने के लिए नीचे दिए गए चरणों का पालन कर सकते हैं।

  • होम पेज के बॉटम मेन्यू से रीचार्ज बटन पर क्लिक करें।
  • अब वह राशि दर्ज करें जिसे आप अपने Yoswin खाते में जोड़ना चाहते हैं।
  • अब पेमेंट मेथड चुनें।
  • ऐप खोलें और भुगतान पूरा करें।
  • 5 मिनट तक प्रतीक्षा करें या आप भुगतान प्रमाण का स्क्रीन शॉट अपलोड कर सकते हैं
  • Yoswin टीम द्वारा आपके रिचार्ज को संसाधित करने के बाद, राशि आपके खाते में जमा कर दी जाएगी

How Withdraw Money from Yoswin?

After winning the games, withdrawing money from Account is very much necessary and everyone waits for this opportunity. So you must know the right process to withdraw money from Yoswin. Here are some of the instructions which you can follow to get money in your bank account.

Step 1) Click on the withdraw button, on the home page of the website.(shown below)

Yoswin App Download

Step 2) Now Enter the amount of money you want to withdraw

Yoswin APK

Step 3) Now Enter your bank details in Yoswin – Name, Account Number and IFSC code

Step 4) Click on the Withdraw Button

Step 5) Wait for 30 Minutes to process the payment in your bank account

Note: In case you did not receive the money in your bank account, you can Send the Screen Shot of the payment on support@yoswin.com and Yoswin Support team will surely help you.

Yoswin से पैसा कैसे निकालें ?

गेम जीतने के बाद अकाउंट से पैसा निकालना बहुत जरूरी होता है और हर कोई इसी मौके का इंतजार करता है। इसलिए आपको योसविन से पैसे निकालने की सही प्रक्रिया पता होनी चाहिए। यहां कुछ निर्देश दिए गए हैं जिनका पालन करके आप अपने बैंक खाते में पैसा प्राप्त कर सकते हैं।

  • वेबसाइट के होम पेज पर निकासी बटन पर क्लिक करें। (नीचे दिखाया गया है)
  • अब आप जितने पैसे निकालना चाहते हैं, वह दर्ज करें
  • अब योसविन में अपना बैंक विवरण दर्ज करें – नाम, खाता संख्या और आईएफएससी कोड
  • निकासी बटन पर क्लिक करें
  • अपने बैंक खाते में भुगतान संसाधित करने के लिए 30 मिनट तक प्रतीक्षा करें

नोट: यदि आपको अपने बैंक खाते में पैसा नहीं मिलता है, तो आप भुगतान का स्क्रीन शॉट support@yoswin.com पर भेज सकते हैं और योसविन सपोर्ट टीम निश्चित रूप से आपकी मदद करेगी।

Yoswin Customer Support

While playing games you may come across problems which may be related to Money Withdrawal, Money Deposited and not credited in your account, Game Play problem or any other problem. Yoswin Customer support is very helpful and provides instant support. If you are Yoswin Promoting agent you need to contact Yoswin for Support reward. So here are some methods by whom you can contact Yoswin Support. 

Query TypeSupport Method
Technical Problemsupport@yoswin.com
Reward Claimbusiness@yoswin.com
Other QueryContact Yoswin

Yoswin Games

As we told you Yoswin is online gaming application so before playing games on Yoswin, you must be knowing about the games. We have briefly described these games and if you want them do be explained in detail then you can read blog posts available on this site. Along with information we have also shared some of the working tips and tricks which can help you win those games. 

Four Games present in Yoswin are:

  1. Wheel
  2. Parity
  3. Mine Sweeper
  4. Crash (Jet)

Yoswin Crore Agent Growth Plan

This Yoswin Agent Growth Plan Allow Yoswin Users to earn extra money by sharing website sign up link with others. This works on the basis of effective user. If someone Signup in Yoswin and deposit some amount of money, then it is referred as Effective user and Yoswin provides Rs 10 Rupees for inviting such user. Along with this, there are 19 Levels listed in this growth plan which varies according to the effective user count. 

In this table you can find how much Yoswin provides for how many effective users. 

LevelsEffective User CountReward (RS)

Frequently Asked Questions?

FAQs with Toggle Buttons
What is Yoswin ?
Yoswin is online gaming website which allow users to earn money by playing games like Crash, Parity, Circle and Dice
Is Yoswin Real?
Yes, Yoswin is real and authentic method of earning passive income by playing games. It is completely legal and anybody can play games on Yoswin.
How many games are available on Yoswin?
At present time there are 4 games available on Yoswin App.
What is the withdrawal limit in Yoswin?
At one time, you can withdraw Rs 50000 Maximum and Minimum you can withdraw Rs 200
How to Play Games at Yoswin?
Most of the games in Yoswin are based on Guess work and prediction methods. But you can also analyze result pattern of games and bid accordingly
What is Yoswin Refer Code?
Use "MZ6C24" as referral code while Sign Up at Yoswin
What is Sign Up Bonus in Yoswin?
Joining Bonus in Yoswin is Rs 151
How to Earn Money with Yoswin?
There are multiple ways of Earning Money is Yoswin - Playing Games, Refer and Earn, Agent Million Cash Growth Plan, Quest, Daily Lifafa
How Many People are playing Yoswin Games?
More than 110k users have registered themselves at Yoswin to play games and earning money consistently.
What is Yoswin Withdraw Fees?/
Yoswin Charge 2 Percenr of the withdraw amount
